Recommended Books


Recommended Books by Isaac Starkman:

1.Charles Carter: All his books
2.Ronald Davison: Astrology
3.Robert Hand: Horoscope Symbols
4.Stephen Arroyo: All his books
5.Dennis Elwell: Cosmic Loom
6.Cyril Fagan: All his books
7.Martin Gansten: Primary Directions
8.Margaret Millard: The Genetics of Astrology
9.Dean: Recent Advances
10.Dean: Tests of Astrology
11.Dean: Astrology Under Scrutiny
12.Makransky: Primary Directions

Recommended Books by Fadi Mazboudi:

1.Juan Estadella: all his books (the best modern author on the subject)
2.J.B. Morin: Astrologia Gallica
3.Robert Greene: all his books

Recommended Books by Juan Estadella: (from his book “Diario de un Astrólogo.” p:75)

The books that do not have an asterisk at the end are just nice to have on his shelf, not necessarily because of astrological importance. The ones with an asterisk are highly recommended. (see also the bibliography of his book “Predictive Astrology”)

1.Henry J Gouchon: Diccionario Astrologico*
2.James Wilson: Dictionary of Astrology*
3.Nicholas DeVore: Encyclopedia of Astrology*
4.Adolfo Weiss: Astrologia Racional*
5.William Lilly: Christian Astrology*
6.Alexandre Volguine: First issue of “Les Cahiers Astrologiques”
7.K.E. Krafft: Traité d’Astro-Biologie
8.Alexandre Volguine: L’Astrologie chez Les Mayas et les Aztèques
8.Alexandre Volguine: Journal d’un Astrologue
9.J.B. Morin: Ma vie devant les astres
10.Junctin de Florence: Traité des Révolutions Solaires
11.André Barbault: Astrologie Météorologique
12.Vendel Polich: El Sistema Topocéntrico
13.N. Sementowsky-Kurilo: El Hombre Y Su Estrella
14.Oscar Adler: Astrologia como ciencia oculta
15.Peruvian Rodolfo Hinostroza: The Astrological System
16.Hades: Jours et nuits d’un astrologue
17.Professor Lester: Psicoastrologia
18.André Barbault: Planetary Cycles


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