Fadi Mazboudi is a professional astrologer, teacher of astrology, translator of astrological texts, and a student of Juan Estadella, with various correct predictions including, but not limited to:
-US presidential election winner 2016.
-US presidential election winner 2024.
-Ceasefire in Lebanon, November 2024.
In a video recorded on my YouTube channel (@FadiMazboudi) titled “November Predictions”, at around 10:25, the transcript reads “The peaceful Sun trine Neptune aspect, which is active from November 12 until November 25 helps us reach an agreement in regards to a ceasefire”. The ceasefire took place on November 27, with an error of two days only. Possibly, the ceasefire was agreed upon during the days when the Sun trine Neptune aspect was active, and was made public on November 27, 2024.
Social Media:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FadiMazboudi/videos
X: https://x.com/FadiAstrology
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fadiastrology
Courses: courses.fadimazboudi.com
List of books translated to Arabic:
-“Nuevo Manual de Astrologia” by Juan Estadella.
-“Transitos Y Revolucion Solar” by Juan Estadella.
-“Notas de un Astrologo” by Juan Estadella.
The translated books can be found: at courses.fadimazboudi.com
For rectification, horoscope readings, or lessons, please send me an e-mail: fadimazboudi@outlook.com