Rectification: Jimmy Page


Jimmy Page.
Jan 9, 1944. 3:05:08 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
51°N29′ — 00°W22′

Time from BR: 3:00:00 (UT)
Rectified time: 3:05:08 (UT)

The Sun/Mercury conjunction landing on the cusp of the III house (Orb: 5°), which is also in sextile to the AS, was critical for the success of this incredible musician.

Neptune in exact conjunction with the XI house is indicative of the death of his drummer, and the subsequent break-up of his band, Led Zeppelin.

Neptune in opposition to the V house, along with having the ruler of t he V, Mars, in conjunction with Uranus, enhances creativity, among other things.

3 planets in Gemini: rapid movement, speed.


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