Rectification: Judy Garland


June 10, 1922. 12:07:10 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
47°N14′ — 93°W32′

September 11, 1921. 07:33:16 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
47°N14′ — 93°W32′

Time from BR: 12:00 (UT)
Rectified time: 12:07:10 (UT)

Her depressed and peculiar financial state is explained by the Neptune contacts with the II sector in both radix and epoch.

The ruler of the II sector of the radix is in tight conjunction with Saturn.

Her parents stole from her. Her “career manager” stole from her. She found money constantly slipping through her fingers like water and in the end and committed suicide.


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