Rectification: Eduardo Barreiros


Eduardo Barreiros.
Oct 24, 1919. 6:11:24 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
42°N22′ — 07°W47′

Time from BR: 6:00:00 (UT)
Rectified time: 6:11:24 (UT)

Uranus in Aquarius (originality, innovation, uniqueness) at the handle of a bucket in the V house (creativity, business endeavors) in connection with the Sun in I is not only an indication of his mechanical and technological prowess, but also of his independent and entrepreneurial activity (Sun in I 120° Uranus in V).

The ruler of the III (commerce, exchange, transportation) is in the X house. The ruler of the X, the Moon, is 120° PL in the IX. The ruler of the IX (foreign affairs, long distance travel) is in the I.

There is a kite-head between The Moon in the I, Mars/Saturn in the XI, and Pluto in the IX (contacts abroad, contacts with foreigners etc…)

Jupiter in the X, always a positive configuration to have in a horoscope.

Very straightforward horoscope, typical of an entrepreneur (most planets on the eastern horizon, 3 planets in I, 3 planets in XI), who has a certain technological and mechanical knack (Sun in I 120 Uranus in Aquarius at the handle of a bucket in the V house: entrepreneurial activities, creative projects). Who is involved in transportation (the ruler of the III in the X, Moon in I 120 Pluto in IX. The dispositor of the MC in the IX).

List of events:

-Birth of sister María Luz Barreiros Rodríguez — 23 July 1931

-Death of father — 21 January 1964

-Death of mother — 7 January 1978

-Death — 19 February 1992

-Death of brother Valeriano Barreiros Rodríguez — 04 May 1993

-Death of brother Celso Barreiros Rodríguez — 31 May 2004

-Death of sister María Luz Barreiros Rodríguez — 24 June 2013

-Death of brother Graciliano Barreiros Rodríguez — 21 September 2014

-Death of wife María Dorinda Ramos Ramos — 16 December 2017


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