Pierre Botton study


Pierre Botton.
May30, 1955. 18:00:00 (UT). Time not rectified.
45°N45′ — 4°E51′

Pierre Botton was a French businessman and entrepreneur, founder of various companies who ended up in prison due to a myriad of illegal activities.

I tried rectifying his birth time and got 18:02:40 (UT), but I have doubts about the rectification because the number of events was limited. I’ll mention some events that mature with my rectified time.


Venus 0° Sun

Release from prison

Jupiter 0° MC

Arrested and sentence to 4 years in prison

XII 90° Mars
Mars 90° Saturn
Ur 180° IC

Suicide attempt

MC 0° Neptune

Now the interesting thing about his chart is its ability to indefinitely expand in the area of finances: The ruler of the second, Jupiter, in Cancer (public) in the VIII house of other peoples money—which is also in a good cosmic state—in conjunction with Uranus. Mercury (business, trade, commerce) in a good cosmic state in conjunction with the VIII house again. Jupiter being squared by Neptune explains the haze and murk which surrounds his financial dealings. Its placement in the XI house also explains his peculiar friendships.

Now for the reckless business activities are characterized by Aries on the cusp of the V house. The ruler is also in a bad cosmic condition, which is negative to everything V house related.

A powerful Venus in Taurus is in the VI house brought him beneficial subordinates and employees, which in turn facilitated his business activities.


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