Chester Nimitz


Chester Nimitz.
February 24, 1885. 12:49:08 (CST). Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
30°N17′ — 98°W52′

Time from BR: 12:00:00 (CST)
Rectified time: 12:49:08 (CST)

The Moon in Cancer in the I and the Sun/Mars conjunction in Pisces on the MC gave him great sensitivity and intuition on the battle field. The intuitive Mars in Pisces on the MC was particularly critical for his career as a Fleet Admiral, bestowing him with an intuitive sense for strategy and is seen in his command (Mars) of sea forces (Pisces).

There is a T-square formed by Jupiter in the III (short trips, studies), Mars in the IX (wars with foreign lands), and Pluto at the apex in the XII (research, plots, schemes).

3 planets in the XII and 4 planets in the IX explain his life spent in seclusion and fighting on foreign lands.


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