Rectification: Arnoldo Aleman. Would you elect him as a president for your country?


Arnoldo Aleman.
January 23, 1946. 21:09:28 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
12°N09′ — 86°W17′

Time from BR: 21:00 (UT)
Rectified time: 21:09:28 (UT)

Would the Nicaraguan people have elected Arnoldo Aleman after looking at his horoscope? This horoscope is clearly money oriented, with 7 out of 10 planets in contact with the II/VIII financial axis (managing the wealth of a nation). But the nature and quality of most of them render an inevitably negative outcome. Two notables configurations strike us as we first glance at his horoscope. The kite head with Pluto in the II and Jupiter at the apex of a cardinal T-square exactly on the V house. This T-square explains his heavy involvement in business activities.

Notice the critical Mars/Saturn conjunction in a negative cosmic condition on the II/VIII axis with Pluto in the II house. This configuration is related to his looting of $100 million in state funds to his Panamanian bank accounts, the corruption, money laundering, embezzlement. Mars in conjunction with the II house along with a tight square from Jupiter to the same point is indicative of excess, lack of measure, waste, and recklessness in spending. It explains his extremely heavy charges on government credit cards.

Saturn in a damaged cosmic condition on the II is related to the government seizure of his property and having his bank accounts frozen. Mars and Pluto also contribute to such events, damage to ones material possessions and such.

The benefic Sun/Venus conjunction in the VIII house does not go unnoticed or remain latent and we see it in the growth the country has exhibited in public investment, the strengthening of investment in the areas of health and education, his successful promotion of economic recovery with reduced inflation and growth of GDP.

Overall a very bad horoscope for the management of a nations wealth.

List of events:

No longer mayor — September 20, 1995

President of Nicaragua — 10 January 1997

Marriage to Maria Lanzas — 23 October 1999

President of the National Assembly of Nicaragua — 09 January 2002

Left presidential office — 10 January 2002

Death of son Arnoldo José Alemán Cardenal — 22 October 2002

Death of sister Amelia Alemán Lacayo — 19 November 2002

Death of brother Agustín Alemán Lacayo — 26 July 2003

Sentenced to a 20-year prison term — 07 December 2003

Death of brother José Antonio Alemán Lacayo — 27 August 2016


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