Rectification: John Logie Baird


John Logie Baird.
August 13, 1888. 08:10:32 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi
56°N01′ — 04°W44′

Time from BR: 08:00:00 (UT).
Rectified time: 08:10:32 (UT).
This is the horoscope of one of the inventors of the mechanical television. Uranus in the I explains his technological and inventive inclinations.

The III/IX axis is quite strong here, which indicates its relevance in his life.

MAR 0 III: the deployment of ones energies in study.

JUP in III: a love of study and learning, ease of expansion in that area.

UR 180 VIII: technological research.

PL in the IX: the interruption of his degree by the First World War.

List of events:

-Birth of brother James Baird July 07, 1879

-Birth of sister Annie Inglis Baird January 26, 1883

-Death of father September 14, 1932

-Death June 14, 1946

-Marriage November 13, 1931

-Death of wife July 14, 1996


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