Rectification: Leo Baekeland


Leo Baekeland.
November 14, 1863. 00:41:12 (UT). Rectified by Fadi Mazboudi.
51°N03′ — 03°E43′

Time from BR: 00:45:08 (UT)
Rectified time: 00:41:12 (UT)

UR in X: inventions of Velox photographic paper and Bakelite. His invention of Bakelite marked the beginning of the modern plastic industry.

MAR 180 PL over the III/IX: tension producing study of chemistry, research.

VEN 180 NEP on the II/VIII: intuition and sensitivity in investigating mysteries.

List of events:

-Birth of sister Delphina Baekeland May 23, 1878

-Death of sister Delphina Baekeland July 29, 1878

-Wedding August 8, 1889

-Birth of daughter Jenny Nina Rose Baekenland October 06, 1890

-Birth of son George Washington Baekeland February 08, 1895

-Birth of daughter Nina Baekenland July 22, 1896

-Death of father January 25, 1902

-Death February 23, 1944

-Death of wife February 27, 1957

-Death of son George Washington Baekeland January 31, 1966

-Death of daughter Nina Baekenland May 19, 1975


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